Exhibit Cura­tor


Laura Roulet | Exhibit Cura­tor


Laura Roulet is an inde­pen­dent cura­tor and writer, spe­cial­iz­ing in con­tem­po­rary and Latin Amer­i­can art. She has orga­nized exhi­bi­tions in Puerto Rico at el Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico and in Wash­ing­ton DC at the Art Museum of the Amer­i­cas, the Mex­i­can Cul­tural Insti­tute, Edi­son Place Gallery, Hillyer Art Space, Project 4, Fuse­box and the DC Art Cen­ter. Her pub­li­ca­tions include many cat­a­logue essays, ency­clo­pe­dia entries, arti­cles in Art Jour­nal, Sculp­ture, and the book Con­tem­po­rary Puerto Rican Instal­la­tion Art, the Guagua Aerea, the Tro­jan Horse and the Ter­mite. She worked on the Ana Mendi­eta ret­ro­spec­tive, orga­nized by the Hir­sh­horn Museum in 2004, and con­tributed to that catalogue.

Roulet is one of five cura­tors cho­sen from 90 appli­cants to take part in the District’s Spring 2012 5×5 pub­lic art project. Her 5×5 exhi­bi­tion is titled “Acti­vate=>” Par­tic­i­pate and she chose to work almost entirely with local artists to cre­ate com­mu­nal, multi-sensory expe­ri­ences for diverse audiences.

She has a B.A. in Mod­ern Euro­pean Stud­ies from Trin­ity Col­lege, Hart­ford; a M.A in Inter­na­tional Rela­tions from Johns Hop­kins Uni­ver­sity School of Advanced Inter­na­tional Stud­ies and a M.A. in Art His­tory from the Uni­ver­sity of Mary­land, Col­lege Park.

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Arts in Foggy Bot­tom Out­door Sculp­ture Exhibit
Foggy Bot­tom | Wash­ing­ton DC April 21 thru Octo­ber 20

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